
Writing Lyrics: Sometimes A Vision Isn't Enough
2023-04-08 23:10 You probably know this painting: It’s called “The Scream”, created in 1893 by the Norwegian artist Edvard Munch and although another medium, it sums up what I felt when I wrote "Pray For Silence". ...
My Piano Told Me A Lesson
2023-03-12 13:53 Last week I found myself thinking about visiting a music store on the weekend! This urge was probably triggered by some reports and commercials I saw about new synthesizers on the market and some of ...
Turning Music Into Graphics
2023-03-09 10:46 During yesterdays mixing session I took a picture off my screen. It shows a certain part of the song we were working on in my recording program LOGIC PRO X. You can see several tracks in automation ...
Writing Lyrics: Evil Rising
2023-02-06 09:34 Today I want to share the story behind "Evil Rising" with you. The song is about the rise of the Third Reich in Germany (1933). You may ask yourself why I even care, being born 8 years afterWW2 ende...
Digging Out An Ancient Song
2023-01-22 17:31 A while ago I came across a creased notebook with the lyrics and chords for what you can call an “ancient” song! I wrote it 1974, me and my old piano had just moved out of my parent’s and in to my fi...
Writing Lyrics: Fear Of A Blank Paper
2023-01-19 16:30 As for me, writing lyrics is the hardest part of songwriting. In the beginning I couldn't come up with anything, my mind was totally blocked and I felt a lot of pressure. I seriously thought about ma...