
As some of you already know, the last day of the year is my ritual "studio cleaning" day.

Don't worry, it gets cleaned throughout the year, too, and actually doesn't need a special treatment but I do it regardless

and this year it was necessary to take special measures ;-)

As this year has been quite a difficult one, my small universe, as I call my studio, felt somehow contaminated

with lots of emotions, some being neither nice nor healthy.

So today there was some proper witchery going on here and in addition to frantic cleaning, I even burned some sage!

Well...although it was only a small piece of weed, the scent was overwhelming and I guess that even the most

stubborn ghost is gone now!

What more? A new notebook and a sharpened pencil to write down ideas, chords, Plugin settings...and a new

year's message to you!


Less smoke, big smell, that poor organ is now free from ghosts forever ;-)



During the last 2 months I was suffering from a  "writer's block"  and the silence in my usually

very lively mind was a bit frightening. I thought it might be a good idea not to force things, so I decided

to do cover versions of two songs I like a lot. Was the first time in my life and it was fun and challenging, trying

to bring out some more or other aspects of the original song.

Miracuously, the "writer's block" vanished a few days ago and I'm confident to start working on a new project soon.

Most likely some kind of Psychedelic Prog.


And as the sage unfolds its effect, instead of kicking this year's ugly a***, I just let it go lightly, knowing there will

always be more music and happiness.

Happy, safe and peaceful New Year!